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What we believe

As a United Methodist Church, we are connected to other United Methodist Churches around the world in our history, traditions, beliefs, and outreach.


Scripture, Tradition, Experience & Reason:
Our Doctrinal Heritage

United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith in God, incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation and ever at work in human history in the Holy Spirit. Read more here:  Our Beliefs....


God, Jesus, Holy Spirit:
Our Theology

To find out more about how United Methodists understand the Trinity, the authority of Scripture, Sacraments, and the Kingdom of God, click here:Our


Our Core Value

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, taught grace - the love and mercy given to us by God because God wants us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it. We believe that God's incredible grace is always available to each one of us. Find out more here: Grace

​© 2014 by D Quon & D Gumarang

CUMC Communications

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