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about us


There are always more questions, and there is always more to know. Maybe you are ready to put a toe in the water - to test things out before committing too fully. Or maybe you are ready to swim deeply, trusting in where God will lead you. Or perhaps you are somewhere in between, and the words in Mark 9:24 ring true for you: "I believe - help my unbelief!"
We provide opportunities to learn more at every age and level of spiritual depth for children, youth, and adults. Our gifted and experienced educators create warm and hospitable environments, where questions are welcome and discussion is expected.
Be Love 
Through mission and service, we practice the art of loving our neighbors as ourselves. From our partnership with Project Angel Tree and Hunger Stoppers to mission trips, we put faith in action.


The church is the gathered community of those who follow Jesus. We seek to be present for one another, recognizing that each one of us needs prayer, encouragement, partnership, affirnmation, and friendship.


​© 2014 by D Quon & D Gumarang

CUMC Communications

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