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Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee oversees the identification, development and care for the volunteer leaders at CUMC. Key initiatives include preparing the annual nomination slate and providing oversight of volunteer service and leadership development at the church. 


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee develops and administers a coordinated plan of fiscal and administrative policies and procedures for the church. It oversees the financial health of the church, reviews the annual audit, provides financial direction, and communicates the church’s financial condition to the Church Council. 



Staff Parish Committee

The Staff Parish Committee acts as a liaison between the congregation and its staff and clergy. The committee sets employment policy, guides the work of the management team and ensures Resurrection is a fulfilling work environment.

Board of Trustees

This Board is charged with the care and maintenance of church property on all campuses (real, personal and intellectual) and holds title to the church’s property, buildings and equipment. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Trustees must be at least 18 years of age. Key items include establishing policies and practices regarding church property, disaster planning, land acquisition and construction planning. 


​© 2014 by D Quon & D Gumarang

CUMC Communications

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